Tuesday, July 14, 2009


slowly still working on the 'steam-stalk' illustration. here's an incorporation of the upper pipes, and without the stalk it's a good exploration of the environment.

and this is the initial concept for the stalk leaves.


Vincent Cobb said...

they look to much like a metalic representation of a leaf. perhaps a more 3d version, maybe 1 point in width 1 in length and 1 in heighth. maybe instead of light the leaves are collecting something else.thinking fuctionality may create the form for u. i dont think the symmetry is helpful, or the points sitting on the ring.

Alyssa Harper said...

Interesting leaves. They look kind of dangerous.

As far as the actual scene looks, I like the changes you've made A LOT. And I'm going to mention one more thing. To achieve a convincing illusion of space, darks get lighter and lighter the farther they get from the viewer. (Think mountains in the distance...they tend to look paler than the stuff closer up, don't they?) I think your illusion of space would be more convincing if the darks in the background (particularly in the middle and very top of the page) get lighter, or the lights get darker...in any case, there should be less value contrast than the pipes in the foreground.

Alyssa Harper said...
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Michelle said...

This whole steamstalk thing is really boggling my mind because I think of industry and technology to be completely defined by efficiency and the whole "function defines form" thing. So why is this industrial thing trying to copy nature? You don't really have to have a reason because I know this is for a fantasy story and it's cool and exciting, but that's what I can't help thinking about when I look at these leaves. At first it bothered me that the finished leaf looked a lot more straight and stiff than the sketch because I really like how the leaves in the sketch bend like actual leaves. But then I thought it was kind of cool that they were so stiff because it's like technology trying to imitate nature, which it has succeeded in respect to the function of the leaf (collecting light), but then it's actually impossible for technology to imitate nature, so it's still looks stiff and not as beautiful as nature. I don't know if this crazy comment has helped at all but maybe it's just something for you to think about because it's all I can think about when I look at this piece.