Michelle: took out those redundant captions. it's definitely more for aesthetic purposes in the vein of 'making of,' not a game manual. the other little notes i left, because i feel they convey elements that the drawing doesn't necessarily by itself.
Brandt: good call on the white outlines, they are somewhat of crutch for me. i employed some lighting elements instead to maintain the separation of the objects vs the background.
Alyssa: i would totally agree with you if this piece were about the character. hopefully the silhouettes of the weapons further illustrate the interchangeability of the handles of the weapons as well as being enough to down-play the character more so.
Tyler: i tried 'crisping' up the facets on the necks of the weapons to lend themselves more to an octagonality. but like you said, because of the size, some of the small elements are less important than the overall design.

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