Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Not done yet


Geoff Shupe - Concept Artist said...

wow, this looks dramatically cooler, and not just due to the blue background. did you glaze it over or is it just the photography?

i really like the modeling of the shirt. i jives well with the head. so i'm assuming the hair will work also.

personally, i'd do something more with the background. the light/dark thing doesn't seem to be enough. there is nothing dynamic about it, unlike the figure. maybe just more texture, or more of a light setup. it's just kindof 'bla,' where i know you can accomplish 'kick-ass.'

Alyssa Harper said...

compositionally, I follow her gaze to the right...and right out of the painting. That one strand of hair just isn't enough to stop me. I would lighten to value of the hair strand (for more contrast) and add more loose hair strands there, perhaps cascading down from her hidden ear. The combination of more contrast and the added interest of fine lines might keep me from exiting the painting.

I also agree with Geoff on the background...it could use a little more...even if it's just vauge squares of value. Just as an idea, I might split the background into 2 squares of value, with the change in value happening above her left shoulder. That area feels a bit empty.