Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the female took 6 hours,the male took three hours. jeff do you b&w paint over on these i want to see what u get. Any corections visible on my skull comp?


Geoff Shupe - Concept Artist said...

yee-hah, this skull is the definitely the best so far. very strong. i really like the composition. including the swatches of color really gives it some life. you nailed your warm lights and cool shadows very well. A.

i think the male is one of your strongest figures so far. there is a really good sense of modeling the light. keep plugging away.
love the hit of turquoise under the jaw in the shadows!
i know it's only 3 hrs, but to be critical: the eyes seem a little bit out of alignment. his rear eye is bigger than his forward eye, so it looks like it's coming forward away from it's planar position.

the 6hr lady is strong on the highlit portion of the face, but the rest seems to lack any real modeling. i'll screw around with it and see if i can come up with anything worthwhile.

did the other paint-over help, or was it just obnoxious?

Tyler Vance said...

Skull painting is definitely one of your best. Now, to take it to the next level it might need just a hint of oomf. Perhaps a little variation on the black, just under the skull, to make it pop a little more.

Also, as I've mentioned before, it would be cooler if the skull was real and not plastic. You could get away with using a plastic skull and using another reference for texture. It might even be cool to have a busted hole in the cranium and we can see inside, to give us this concave/convex space happening.

Alyssa Harper said...

skull composition is fantastic. You've got a nice flow of interest from the skull, to the direction the "eyes" are facing, to the red square, to the green square, to the shadow, to the end of the sting, and back up again to the skull. The composition keeps me going around and around these points and doesn't let me out. Good work!