Sunday, December 5, 2010

Drawing, WIP?

Okay, I need everyone's opinion on this one. Without a complete redo, how can I put some zing into this rather boring drawing? Contrast is a little stronger than the photo.


Brandt said...

It seems a rougher wall texture would help push the softer cloth and break the mostly flat surface going on. Maybe the nail has chipped some plaster or made a crack. That may be to distracting for what you're aiming for. Maybe a bug or something hanging like string off another nail would do the trick. The contrast feel's pushed far enough. I'm excited to see this show so keep going and get Jonathan going too.

Vincent Cobb said...

the cloth doesnt seem to be meshing with the brick, the cloth seems superimposed overthe brick. have more fun with the cast shadows on the nails

darci bertelsen said...

i think you could push your darks a tiny bit more in some places to give a little more weight...?

darci bertelsen said...

well...i'm retarded, no one needs to point that out to me. i hadn't read the first page when i commented. maybe i should have done that first.