So here you have my little beginning of an idea I plan on looking into. These are glass insulators that used to adorn power poles everywhere. My dad collects them. This was a basic value study and I plan on doing a few more of these and then turning them into paintings with several insulators displayed horizontally. I am planning to try both oil and watercolor and possibly prismacolor. I will light them with a strong spotlight to increase the intense colors of the glass. I know there isn't a lot to go on here. I will get more on here soon.
Yeah! I was wondering if you were still planning to do this. I'm glad to hear that you are.
To be honest, I had no idea what they were, so I wasn't very interested by the content of the image. If you're doing a horizontal-list sort of thing, it might be fun to do a "list" of stuff that helps hint at what it is. Just brainstorming...feel free to ignore it.
I like how the dark one was drawn on your value study though. The reflections add a sort of depth to it. Wonder what's in the rest of the room...
I had an institute teacher (fluent in Hebrew) once tell me that when words are repeated in the bible, it's because in Hebrew, there's no word for "very" strong or "very faithful. Words are repeated for emphasis, so very very faithful becomes, faithful, faithful, faithful. (Solves the mystery of wo, wo, wo, doesn't it. :) Anyway, I was wondering why your plan is to display several insulators together. Is it to add emphasis to the object? It's a more symbolic feel is what you're going for, a single, centered object may work just as well. If what you want is emphasis on the object, it might be fun to have the insulators in an environment (like hidden (I spy-style) in a living room or kitchen), which would allow to have multiple insulators with added interest of depth, perspective, and having them in a not-expected environment etc. Just an idea. Ignore if not interesting.
I love these things - so much character. They are immediately recognizable to me, and I love this kind of historically loaded object. But Alyssa asks the right questions: is that "character" what the painting will be about? If so I think the variances in each one becomes important; the subtle color differences, sizes, material (glass, ceramic), and so on.
I think there would be a real market for these in the west - my grandfather worked for the railroad, and I know he liked these and had a few around the house for paperweights and such. I did a quick google search and found a few "western crafts" stores that make things from insulators. Here's one: livingroom.html This might not be the market you want, but hell, in my opinion, if the painting rocks and you sell a lot in this kind of venue, who cares? I also saw a lot of photographs of collections, and they were arranged in much the same way as you are talking - a lined up on a shelf, showing off the variety of color and material - all very rich.
i second most of what's already been said, pros and cons.
pros: great marketable still life. the image has the potential to be really interesting with colors and texture.
cons: this study doesn't have the dynamic contrast of glass or the inner surfaces. there is no element of environment or the surface they are on.
really pump the contrast (i know the digital photo might be the toning it down but...). there are almost no specular highlights except for the slight one on the top. and there should be for most of the interior surfaces, as well as the parallel-to-view outer surfaces.
i'd add some-kind of suggested reflection in there. it doesn't have to be anything specific but enough to look like something is there, without being the distraction that there isn't a reflection at all.
you'll also really need to nail your symmetry of the shape, it's feels a bit rough right now.
what kind of setting are you thinking of?
are they going to be 2 different caps or 2 of the same?
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