Okay, so this is obviously a work in progress. All I've done is map out the value-composition. The idea behind it is that humanity has become scrunched together (yes, scrunched is a word in my book) in tightly populated cities, but somehow, we've ended up isolated from each other. More often than not, someone can walk through a busy street without being greet once. Even when walking with friend, getting from point A to point B is sometimes more important than conversing with one another.
The brushwork and overall color scheme is still up in the air. The base-idea was such a lonely one, that I did the underpainting in blue. I've got ideas of how I'm going to go about doing the rest of it...but we'll see when it's finished. I never really know what the finished product will look like.
I'm not catching the isolated idea here. Or is the idea walking with a friend? Right now the two central figures appear to walk together. If one of them is feeling lonely or isolated it might be hard to read into with this body language and no facial expressions to suggest anything else. The focus is working well with the bright blouse against the dark skirt.
Alyssa what are you thinking about long-term with your work? Where are you going with it practically?
there's not much here to critique, but i agree with Brandt that i'm not getting any 'loneliness' out of it. at this point it just reads as a typical street scene with a couple, and it's in blue.
it looks like we are looking at their backs (?), without a facial expression or 'lonely' countenance, you'll have to rely on the environment to convey that. whither it be scale with buildings, the space on the street, or space between other people on the street. good luck.
To answer your question Tyler, my aims at the moment are a bit short-term: build up a portfolio again (it was kind of depleted after the BFA Exhibition). Once that goal's accomplished, (hoping for at least 8-15 pieces to show) I'll start "applying" to local gallery spaces. I've little interest in extensive traveling. In the meantime, I'll try to keep up on applying to 2-3 piece shows.
I obviously can't work at the speed I prefer when there are babies to be played with, but I've got a small fan club of people clamoring for paintings, so I definitely feel motivated to paint. Plus, painting is fun. I like to make things.
Thanks for everyone's input. I agree that the "isolation" thing is pretty lax thus far. I'll work on it. I've always painted single-figures, so I wanted to work on getting the same sort of symbolic feel with more figures in the image. Don't know if it'll work yet. We'll see...
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