i did a quick little mock-up implementing some of the ideas i received.
-lightened up the 'roof' a bit
-more pipes and stuff on the inside of the space around the upper beanstalk
-toned down the amount of water to make more 'deep' space viewable
-and my ideas for the 'leaves' and the position of Jack
i think it's stronger already, good call guys.

this is essentially the design for Jack, though like the mock-up you're looking at his rear and a some what back-lit dark silhouette. he's being 'modeled' by someone else, so i have yet to get hold of 3D asset to put into the scene.
Jack is CUTE!
For some reason, I pictured that he would be bigger in the image...I think a bigger figure (closer to the viewer) would make an illusion of a lot of distance between Jack and the bean stalk without losing the size of the thing. He just seems rather insignificant right now...all my attention goes to that giant bean stalk...I noticed Jack like an afterthought. Because the story is largely about him, it might be nice if he were more prevalent in the image.
I like the changes to the ceiling(?) It draws MUCH less attention to itself than the darker, flatter one. From this distance, I can't tell that the leaves are supposed to be leaves. Would you mind posting a detail?
I would actually disagree with Alyssa on this one. That's about where and how big I pictured him; because this is a point in the story about the discovery of the beanstalk, I like the fact that Jack is an afterthought. You may want to play with his proximity to the stalk a little, but generally I don't have a problem with it.
I want to see the giant. I kind of like John Howe's:
But I'm sure yours will be cooler.
essentially, this is one of many images that possible could exist to illustrate the story, this is one about the discovery of the beanstalk. Tyler nailed my intention exactly.
Alyssa: still working on the leaves, those scrubby little masses were just to block in a position. i'll post a detail of the leaves i had originally intended, but have moved away from. i'd love to get feedback in that regard.
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