Saturday, March 16, 2013

Study using a straight edge

So I prepped a bunch of surfaces and this had the most extreme surface.  I figured it would be the best thing to test the use of a paint trowel to lay down straight lines wet into wet painting.  It was interesting and worked pretty well. I went back and softened many edges after but I will definitely pull on  this little trick in the future.  You can see the various little ridges that catch the light.  It's hard to have enough light to get a decent shot and not pick it up.


Geoff Shupe - Concept Artist said...

this is nice. i'd like to see you push the contrast between hard and soft edges more, like to an absurd degree. could be interesting

Brandt said...

Thanks Geoff. Maybe ill do another that has items with more unique edges. Most everything was pretty blocky here. I think I need to copy some works that employ very loose brushwork to get a better feel for laying paint down differently.

Lucie said...

I like the flat and non textured part of the computer screen, seemingly saying, technology is some kind of force; I'm not sure what kind of force that would be..

Tyler Vance said...

Great! This is the kind of thing you need to break out a little.

Brandt said...
