Ok so the original shot is on the bottom. I have a 16x40in canvas that I thought would be fun to use for this piece. I'm thinking a cropping of the shot may prove a stronger composition but I'd love some help picking one. I've cut some holes in a paper that help show the proper dimensions for the canvas. Please select your favorite 3 and if you have an argument for why go ahead and leave that also. Thanks friends.
I like the ones on the bottom that include the small shoots on the right and not the big shoot on the left. I think the shoot on the left looks weird going off the edge in the middle of the composition.
Thanks for responding. Tyler Geoff and Michelle. I started the piece a few days back and decided to go for the one in the middle 00048 as I liked having the truck in the piece. I think I have a lot of interest in these structures from all the construction work my grandfathers and father and uncles etc... have always been a part of. It reminds me of childhood and going to work sites with them and I loved the big trucks and equipment. I'm still fascinated. I will post some updates soon and hopefully it will turn out well enough. I think we all agreed on the space to the right and the buildings/structures to the left of the comp worked better. If I end up liking it enough maybe I'll do another of the bottom pic as that was another I also really like. I've already got another in progress as well from a different view.
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