Not the best photos here. I ran out and shot these really quick today when I had a moment of sunshine.
Kettle bell dos. Not much to say, just wanted a companion piece for the other kettle bell.

This one I started a while ago, just before finishing the last one with the bricks and the abstract painting in the background. Another set-and-go, with not much thought to narrative. With this one, I started with the intent of casting out any textural concerns, just paying attention to shape of color, as you can see with the cloth. As the painting tediously moved on, I lost interest, and was unable (or unwilling) to maintain that language, moving back to the way I usually paint - from the glass downward. I don't like this painting, mainly because of the experience I had with it.
There you go.
These are good man! I really like the color variation in the kettlebell painting. Multicolored light sources?
The glass and eggshells are really nice. The rocks and reflection in the wood surface are really interesting. Too bad that cloth became such a bummer.
I agree with Geoff these are pretty great!
I'd say get back in there and work on that cloth a little. I think that piece is really quite interesting narrative or not it holds my interest with the various surfaces and objects. I don't think that cloth needs much of anything. The shapes are painted pretty interesting already.
The kettlebell is nicely done also just a little less attention grabbing being such a centered object. It does say I am a kettlebell very well. The shadows add some nice interest and the hint of cracked cement in the floor reads well.
I need to get painting more. You are cranking these out pretty good.
Love the warm and cool shadows on the cattle bell and the crack behind it but it is kind of lost in a sea of grey. I would like to see more variation in the background. The egg shells in the glass are fabulous. I think it has a narrative because the eggshells have been put into the glass. It makes me wonder why they are in there and it reminds me of people who drink raw eggs. blah. The cloth is decently painted but to me it too strongly suggests christian symbolism. I think you could keep playing with putting objects into other objects like the egg shells in the cup.
i really like the egg one. and i don't even think you need to do anything else to it. i love the reflection of the egg shell in the glass. i don't understand why these objects are together, but it doesn't bother me at all that it feels random.
Wow. The Kettle bell is beautiful like I never knew. I think that is what really makes your paintings fascinating. Taking the mundane and finding beauty in it. Cliche? perhaps. but true.
Thanks Em!
But I would say it's not making a statement about the mundane. To me, these things are actually cool.
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