So I think everyone on here is caught up with my recent collage work except for Geoff, so if you would like to see what I've been doing for the past year, go to
These are some possible compositions I was working out last night. I had settled on the one with the girl at the top and all the stuff falling below her, but when I uploaded the pics on my computer, I saw it upside down and thought it was a nice composition, so now I am open to that. I haven't glued anything down yet so I am open to any suggestions. I wish I had some more questions to ask you to direct your feedback, but just tell me what you think.
These are interesting.
Anything in particular that you're going for?
Well..I guess I can tell you what I am generally "going for" when I create collages. The idea is to combine different found elements to create new and unique combinations. When seemingly unrelated images are placed together, the mind attempts to make a connection between the images, creating a new meaning that is unique to each viewer. (Basically juxtaposition but that word is overused by pretentious people and has given it a bad taste in my mouth). Does that help explain what I am trying to do? So, my process involves a lot of arranging and rearranging of materials until I find something that has a good composition, visually appealing, and creates some type of ambiguous theme. So these images are a bunch of different types of arrangements. I do this until I find something I like and then I glue it down. Does that help?
I think the pieces of paper make much more sense in the middle image - they read kind of like a Andy Goldsworthy arrangement. In the other two pieces, the paper is more distracting; visually heavy without informing us about form or order.
And I feel like thinking about a visual hierarchy more might help: The little girl is obviously calling all the attention, but the next step down gets trickier. All of those elements are getting lost, so it might help to ask yourself. what's the next most important thing, and so on. It could help you compartmentalize all of the elements so they can inform the whole.
I like the "Andy Goldsworthy" type comp as well, but I just didn't know if it was enough to call a finished work of art. Kevin told me it looked decorative but not like art. What do you think?
i agree with kevin. i don't think it looks finished either. i love the subtleties. how you have slightly different colors of paper in the dresses. i think they work well. you have great eye movement.
i don't love the left side back ground in the bottom one. i don't think it fits. i think you need more or less over there.
i like the window of text behind the little girls head, and that you have a few on the dress papers breaking off from the figure. i don't know which direction i like the most on the top one. but conceptually i think it makes it more interesting to have it both directions. i think ideally you should figure out how to do both and make it a diptych
i think you've found yourself a really great little niche.
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