Monday, February 18, 2013

Scotty's grandparents home

This is a commission piece I just finished. It's 16x20in.  I had a bunch of photos from different decades and seasons given to me and was asked to recreate a shot of the home as it looked back in the 70's early 80's.  It was a challenge but I think it turned out okay considering the challenges given.  I'm open to any critiques if you have something that could help it out.

These others are some pieces I've updated.  I did them really quick in the beginning and then I've added some changes. Also the lighting is definitely warmer in the new shots.  Let me know if they were improvements or if I should consider changing more.  These are only 6x8inches.


Geoff Shupe - Concept Artist said...

that commission turned out nice!

Brandt said...

Thanks Geoff

Michelle said...

I like the lighting on the commission because it captures that 70's feel. It looks like an old photo from the 70's.