Tuesday, September 11, 2012


i'm working on an environment concept piece that i really want to test my illustration chops on. the idea is somekind of decades old abandoned supertanker stranded in the desert that some nomads take up base inside. there's just this section that's exposed, with the bulk of it buried in the sand dunes, creating a dark underground space inside. this would be the exterior establishing shot. 

i came up with these composition mock-ups and would like to hear people's thoughts on which and why is most engaging. 

*also, who's in charge of the monster image in the blog header? can it be shrunk down to a quarter size or something so that we don't have scroll past it?


Tyler Vance said...

Bottom one hands down. I like the little bit of ambiguity as far as what the structure is - it functions well for what they're using it for, but the more you look at it, the more you start to question what it really is. It's more engaging that way. The other 2 look more like stock shipwreck images, and wouldn't be as functional for a repurposing.

Tyler Vance said...

I'll see what I can do for the image. Brandt added it, and I agree it should be shrunken down.