Friday, January 27, 2012

Idaho show

Here are the images I'm submitting to the Idaho Falls show. I had a grad student help me shoot them in the studio, and he was very helpful, but the colors/light seem too harsh to me, even after dumbing it down in post. Anyhoo, these are it.

I know you've seen this before, but here it is set. I think I'm going to paint out the stripes. The idea was to put s vein or marbling or something in the stone, but it doesn't look natural.


Michelle said...

I think you are right about the veins. Maybe they should be more random and organic than stripey? I think it is a great idea, but maybe you just need to experiment a little more.

Brandt said...

find the type of stone you are trying to depict and get some references. I like the pieces this way. If all else fails do away with them.