so i'm trying to get the done by saturday for the religious show at springville.... (i was thinking of titling it "isn't it about time" - not really) anyways i'm kind of stuck, i know her face is horrible and i'm having a really hard time figuring it out there is NOTHING in my reference. i'm thinking i need to break some edges quite a bit more to make it more painterly, but every time i do it throws off my perspective more (so i'm thinking i'm having value/saturation issues?) the snow in the front is really blue, and there is a road in the back ground. in real life the road is more pink than what the photo show so the 2 stripes of color in the snow aren't the same color. i think that might be the biggest part of my perspective issues. any ideas how to fix that?
when it get's a little further i'm going to glaze it all so it's a little pinker/warmer. and i'm trying to find places where i can add some line work/accents. do you think the bed of the trk is too dark? or warm?
give me anything please.
this is just a little 5x5 and way blurry i don't know why i'm having such a hard time taking a photo of it. it's just similar so i thought it might be good to post with the other one. i was making this one too saturated, and i don't know if i've desaturated it enough or gone too far.
I don't think the smaller one is too saturated at all. I like the mix of muddy and strong. I think you're right about the top one, the profile is what really throws it off, mainly because the rest of the faces you can get away with being nondescript, but such a sharp profile is hard to do that with. Try softening the edge quite a bit so it doesn't stand out.
I agree with Tyler. Soften the edge and also lighten the truck bed at least part way up between the two heads.
The mothers face might benefit from a couple value alterations under the nose or side of the nose or the eye socket. (like the fathers ear) Or maybe use a piece of hair over the face to give opportunity for a shadow or breaking the shape apart a little.
Some of what is happening in the girls hair might help the mothers take more form. The mothers head seems the most important and the least developed.
The road under her belly seems too dark compared to the other road.
Have you tried lighting another head in the same position to create the reference you need? If only for value it might help.
Love the colors in your work it evokes memories.
thanks guys! you're right, i just sanded the hell out of it and messed with her face, i've changed quite a bit and it's closer, but i'm back to stuck. so i'll have to post another picture this week. i didn't get it to the museum, but such is life. i still need to finish it.
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