Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Going to leave it in this stage. I'm always fighting chalky flesh as I was in this one.

UPDATE: I replaced the photo with a better one.


darci bertelsen said...

i wish i had a good suggestion - i have the same problem too. ALWAYS! one thing i've been trying to constantly remind myself is to desaturate with the complimentary color not always with white. sometimes that helps.

another thing i think we all could work on is making sure you mix the right value/color before you lay it down. I get lazy and don't paint confidently which often leads to overworking. easier said than done.

it's looking pretty good.

Geoff Shupe - Concept Artist said...

this is some good progression.

i'll agree with Darci about color mixing. black and white are typically your enemies when trying to get the right value of a color.

but don't stop here. you'll learn more by ruining it going for broke (if that's what happens) then just stopping here because you're afraid of messing it up. as is, it's not like your going to hang it in a museum anyway, so you've got nothing to loose!