Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's Been Keeping Me Up Late At Night...

Alright, I'm still not lovin' this one completely, but I could have just stared at it way too much.  It's the story of discovering something for the very first time.  You know.  Like finally "getting" algebra or geometry...or maybe understanding the world in a different what always happens when I travel.

And yes.  There's fish inside the bubbles.  Don't look too deeply into it.  I just like fish.  They're much easier to see up close.

Anyway, this needs to be done by this Friday.  Let me know your thoughts asap.  Thanks.


Geoff Shupe - Concept Artist said...

the biggest issue for me is that everything looks 2D flat except for the girl, who looks really good.
i'd like to see a little more atmospheric perspective on the fish bubbles in the background, but the sphere that she's squatting on is the main problem, it's really flat. it needs to somehow recede into space so that her feet look like she's standing on a perpendicular plane. maybe somekind of receding texture, or color variation?

Brandt said...

I agree with Geoff on this minus the fish thing. With the way the hand is changing as it enters the bubble the fish should also be fuzzy to be consistent. The bottom sphere gives off great light to the girl but has no dimension itself. So the figure feels a little like it's floating to me.

I really like this idea and it does feel like discovering something great the hint of a smile on the face and reaching out in anticipation.