Monday, August 2, 2010

Title-less for the moment

The general idea was tube socks.  I wanted to paint tube socks, so tube socks were painting...the end.  But the rest of it evolved as a sort of commentary of a girl, dull and bored and taking a serious look at all the mundane things that fill her life.  Why is she standing on water?  Don't ask me.  I'm still figuring that one out.

Okay, so the photo is ugly and not photo-shop fixed at all, but all that aside, please take a look and let me know your thoughts.  Main question: should I finish the water-"reflection" area?  There's a lot of underpainting showing through, but I'm feeling particularly lazy right now...and I kind of have a strange love for underpaintings.  There.  I've admitted it.  Anyway, tips, anyone?


Brandt said...

If it were me I'd either add a little more in the reflection or place some more growth in front of them across the bottom.
I love when underpaintings show through also, so don't eliminate that part of it.
Last of all I feel as though there is something awkward about the anatomy of the girl. The head feels a bit large for her body. The position of the knees pointing inward would seem to bring the thighs closer together but maybe I'm just fat and also don't have that kind of space between my legs. Ha ha!
Love the piecemeal figure, water, bird and odd bubbles going on.

Geoff Shupe - Concept Artist said...

neat image!

I think I'll just touch on some of the things Brandt mentioned:
-Try putting something in the immediate foreground, like the tops of some of those weeds sticking up from the bottom; that'll help create a better feeling of space.
-Also, try some atmospheric effects behind the characters, so that it looks more like the reeds are receding behind them; that'll make the figures pop forward more.
-As far as the anatomy goes, the legs look fine to me. But perhaps I'd like to see a little more rotation on her head so that we can see a little of the left side with her glancing to her left. The side profile vs the other characters perspective feels odd.

anyway, looks good.

Alyssa Harper said...

Thanks guys. Her head is a little big, but it's on purpose. At critique, Katie said it kind of freaks her out because she can't decide whether the figure's an adult or little girl. That's just how I draw people.

I'll definitely develop the foreground. Thanks for your suggestions!