Here are some poor, very quick snapshots of 2 of the pieces for the upcoming show. It gives you an idea for the vein of the work. I'm working in multiple layers more and more, especially in the background; it gives a nice contrast with the subject. It may not come across here, but I'm happy with the textural effects.
This one is finished, save final varnish. Critique it all you want; I'm not touching it again.
This one is in the final tweaking stages. I'm still working with the front stones, and to some degree, the cast shadows - and of course the frame/border. The problem area I'm having is the interaction between the cast shadow of the deer skull and the globe. It's hard for me to get the values correct in this spot to really make the globe come forward as it should. Perhaps it's unfortunate that the shadow creeps directly behind the globe. I'm looking for subtle tweaks; it's impossible for me to do significant paint-overs at this point. any ideas?