Saturday, December 17, 2011

boring stuff

i had this HUGE post with a bunch of info but blogger wouldn't accept it. not sure why. i just thought i'd share a few things i've found lately. - there is a video that explains what it is, i just registered with it - it seems like it could be real sweet.  it's just starting to get it going, i saw somewhere that they're trying to get it all up the first part of this next year.

Plate show at art access, it’s about 100 artist, 300 plates. just have to email Sheryl Gillilan ( by January 15th, 2012. If you are a new artist to this event, please include a link to your website or 4-6 images of your work. We will confirm that we have received your email and will make all acceptance notifications no later than January 18, 2012. (Please note that our office will be closed December 22 thru January 2nd.)....

these are websites that list national show - i've been trying to find more places to enter into show in and out of state. you kind of have to dig, but it seem to be an ok resource (for something online)

so that is the short version. if you have questions about any of these things email me, or comment and i'll send you an email with more info or shows i've found that are coming up in the next few weeks/months.

Monday, December 5, 2011


James Gurney of Dinotopia fame has a really good post about photographing your paintings. A budget solution without an intense lighting setup. HERE