Friday, October 21, 2011

Magic Circle

Man, it's hard to get the colors right on blogger.

This is a little 9x7. I really like working in this size. The last one I posted is still in progress, and not going extremely well, though I've figured one thing is clear: I really like working right on the wood. This one is just the panel with several layers on polyurethane. I really liked working on this one and I think its the biggest success I've had in paint in a while.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

snow truck + family

so i'm trying to get the done by saturday for the religious show at springville.... (i was thinking of titling it "isn't it about time" - not really) anyways i'm kind of stuck, i know her face is horrible and i'm having a really hard time figuring it out there is NOTHING in my reference. i'm thinking i need to break some edges quite a bit more to make it more painterly, but every time i do it throws off my perspective more (so i'm thinking i'm having value/saturation issues?)  the snow in the front is really blue, and there is a road in the back ground. in real life the road is more pink than what the photo show so the 2 stripes of color in the snow aren't the same color. i think that might be the biggest part of my perspective issues. any ideas how to fix that?
when it get's a little further i'm going to glaze it all so it's a little pinker/warmer. and i'm trying to find places where i can add some line work/accents. do you think the bed of the trk is too dark? or warm?
give me anything please.

this is just a little 5x5 and way blurry i don't know why i'm having such a hard time taking a photo of it. it's just similar so i thought it might be good to post with the other one. i was making this one too saturated, and i don't know if i've desaturated it enough or gone too far.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

artist folder

dear everyone,
i've told a lot of you, but i'm not sure if i've told everyone so i'll explain.

the past 2 ish years i've been collecting images of artists. it started because really, who can afford all the art books you want, and i was tired of looking up/trying to remember the same images over and over again so i decided to start saving them. it's now huge and i thought i should share. it consists of artists who have stood out/influenced me for one reason or another. some of them are people i really don't like their work at all, (because sometimes you can learn just as much from work that seems a little off.)

i was thinking if you want to add to it and share you could keep a separate place (so i don’t have to sort through what’s new and what’s old) where you add any additional info to the folder and send it back to me, i could consolidate all the new information everyone has added and re- distribute.

long story short, if you want to leave me your address i'll mail you a copy.